Learning Region Lake Constance
Impuls GmbH (Initiator and Coordinator)
Local partners: bfz gGmbH Lindau, Bodensee-Stiftung, CJD Bodensee-Oberschwaben, Claude-Dornier-Schule Friedrichshafen, IHK HochrheinBodensee, Stadt Konstanz, Volkshochschule Konstanz-Singen e.V., Bildungszentrum Singen, Landratsamt Bodenseekreis
Funders: Federal Ministry of Education and Research with the involvement of the states and the European Social Fund.
2001-2002 (Project Development Phase)
Project Coordinator, Impuls GmbH
How can networks in education promote the development of innovative, life-long learning approaches and projects?
“LEARNING REGIONS – PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR NETWORKS” Is a programme by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with the involvement of the states and the European Social Fund.
"Learning Region Lake Constance" is one of 71 projects nationwide in the "Learning Regions - Promoting Networks" program initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The one-year project development phase includes the organization of numerous workshops with hundreds of participants and the development of nine sub-projects, which have been implemented in a five-year implementation phase:
Education guide for immigrants (CJD Bodensee-Oberschwaben),
Exploratory learning in the learning field of nature (Bodensee-Stiftung),
Educating and learning: parenting school (Bildungszentrum Singen),
Promotion of employment potentials of small and medium-sized enterprises (IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee),
Cooperation Model for schools in Constance (City of Constance),
Learning impulses through specialist conferences (Volkshochschule Konstanz-Singen e.V.),
Prevention and parent training (bfz gGmbH Lindau),
School Network Region Lake Constance (Claude-Dornier-Schule Friedrichshafen),
Career guide for young people (Lake Constance District Office).