“In constant interaction with my students, I experience the joy of livelong learning”
TaRGet Groups and Subjects
My target groups are students and professionals from all areas, especially from the cultural and creative industries and the nonprofit sector. I have taught the following subjects:
- Theories of Cultural Production and Organizations
- Arts Management, Cultural Policy
- Nonprofit Management, Fundraising Management
- Evaluation, Quality-Management
- Team- and Projectmanagement
- Effective Leadership, Strategic Management
I have teaching experience in seven universities and have taught in regular bachelor's and master's courses and in further education (certificate, diploma, master of advanced studies). My teaching languages are German and English.
I currently teach or have taught at the following universities:
- Basel University (since 2023)
- Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (since 2020)
- Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (since 2006)
- ZHAW School of Management and Law (2002-2020)
- Universität Konstanz (2011 - 2012; 1995 - 1998)
- HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (2004 - 2006)
- ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts (2006 - 2006)
Learning Methods
I convey knowledge by means of carefully researched information and adequate learning models discursively in face-to-face classes, but also virtually using digitized methods.
Learners are motivated to acquire individualized learning content and put it into practice. They are supported in this by methods of problem-oriented learning and peer-to-peer approaches.
Learners receive a reflected feedback in group classes, in person and by tests.
I hold certificates in university didactics by the University St. Gallen (CH) and the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences (CH)