Academic Conferences (Peer-Reviewed)
Betzler, D. (2024). Platform ecologies in the cultural and creative industries. Paper presented at the 22nd Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), 18-19 September, Innsbruck.
Betzler, D. (2024). The making of neighbourhood communities: Urban and digital spaces of common?, “Digital Communities - Social proximity from a spatial distance”, Institute of Social Science, Kiel University, in cooperation with Ferdinand-Tönnies Society and German Sociological Association (DGS), Section Sociological Theory, 18-19 July 2014, Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel.
Loots, E., Betzler, D. (2023). Remakerspaces_a truly new circular business model, or only a recycled idea?, “From Creative to Circular Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Stairway to Heaven”, IECER Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research 2023, 25-27 October, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
Betzler, D., Loots, L., Prokupek, M. (2023). Opportunities ahead? How will European arts and creative sectors transform, and be transformed, when it comes to the national resilience plans?, EURAM 2023 Conference, 14-16 June, Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland.
Betzler, D. (2022). Platform Ecologies in Art and Culture - Models and Development Potentials, NTA10 Conference «Digitisation and Culture» 14–16 November 2022, Bern, Switzerland.
Betzler, B., Loots, E., Prokupek, M. (2022). Toward resilient arts and cultural sectors: A thematic analysis of the national Resilience and Recovery plans of EU Member States, 12th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, 19 - 23 September 2022, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Prokupek, M., Betzler, D. Loots, E. (2022). Endowment Funds in European Museums: A tool for sustainable funding?, 16th AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 24. – 29 June, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Mexico.
Prokupek, M., Betzler, D. Loots, E. (2022). Museum Financing Strategies during the Pandemic: Pulling Out all the Stops?, 16th AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 24. – 29 June, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Mexico.
Betzler, D., & Haselbach, D. (2021). Musikberufe in der Pandemie. Die Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen. Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) and the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS), 23 - 25 august 2021, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Betzler, D. (2021). Cultural Policy and Evaluation in Times after Covid19 Crisis? A panel talk at the invitation of Tal Feder and Ellen Loots, with the subject of "Evaluation and public funding, revisited? ACEI Association of Cultural Economics 2021 Conference, 7-9th July, Lille, France, online.
Prokupec, M., Betzler, D., & Loots, E. (2021). Are museums pulling out all the stops? An exploration of museums´ financial strategies during and after COVID-19. Workshop #6 - Financial Structures and Practices on the Art Market, 11-12 June 2021, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle & IESA Arts & Culture, Paris, France.
Betzler, D. (2021). Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on music life in Germany. A quantitative analysis of the situation of the self-employed. FGF-Arbeitskreises „Cultural & Creative Entrepreneurship“, Virtual Spring Meeting 2021, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany (online).
Loots, E., & Betzler, D. (2020). New Forms of Finance and Funding During the COVID-19 Crisis. Case Study Research in Cultural Enterprises, "Entrepreneurship in Times of Technological, Economic and Societal Change" A Virtual Community Conversation (Vol. I) from August to October 2020: Sessions, Pitches, Presentations and the unCONVENTIONal Live Event 16 October, online.
Betzler, D., & Leuschen, L. (2019). Digitized Value Chains in the Creative Industries: A Systematic Comparison of Swiss Game and Film Production. The Creative Industries Global Conference 2019 (CIGC-19), Orihuela, Spain (accepted but retreated).
Müller, M., & Betzler, D. (2019). Member Value and Willingness to Donate – the Case of Animal Welfare, ERNOP 2019 Conference, 04. – 05. Juli 2019, Basel.
Betzler, D., & Leuschen, L. (2019). Digitized Value Chains in the Creative Industries: A Systematic Comparison of Swiss Game and Film Production, EURAM 2019 Conference, 26.-28. Juni, Lissabon, Portugal.
Betzler, D., & Leuschen, L. (2019). Digital Communication Strategies for the Cultural Sector. Evidence of an Interdisciplinary Approach Based on the Cross-Border-Region Lake Constance, 15th AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 22. – 26. June, Venice, Italy.
Fluturime, J., & Betzler, D. (2019). Seven Fields of Action in Digital Cultural Policies: A Comparative Policy Analysis of Austria, England and Canada. 15th AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management Conference, 22. – 26. June, Venice, Italy.
Betzler, D. (2018). Cultural Entrepreneurship Using the Example of Uli Sigg as Patron and Mediator of Contemporary Chinese Art. EURAM 2018 Conference, 19. – 22. June, Reykjavik, Island.
Betzler, D., & Camina, R. (2018). Der Sammler und Entrepreneur – Uli Sigg als Förderer und Vermittler zeitgenössischer chinesischer Kunst. 11. Jahrestagung des Fachverbands Kulturmanagement, 17.-20. January 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Betzler, D. (2017). Regional Arts Governance and the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Swiss Regions – An evaluative Case Study. 14th AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 24. – 28. Juni 2017, Beijing, China.
Betzler, D. (2016). Regional Arts Governance and Cultural Diversity – A Framework for Evaluation, IECER Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, 7.-9. September 2016, Chur, Schwitzerland.
Betzler, D. (2015). Theatre Quality Frame – A System of Business Processes and Performance Monitoring for Theatres. AIMAC International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management 2015, Juni 26 –July 1st, Aix‐en‐Provence, France.
Betzler, D., & Gmür, M. (2014). The Impact of Professionalization and Rationalization on Fundraising Performance. The 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Betzler, D., & Gmür, M. (2014). The Impact of Professionalization and Rationalization on Fundraising Performance. International Conference of the Society of Third Sector Research (ISTR), July 22 -25, 2014, Muenster, Germany.
Betzler, D. (2014). Professionalism and Rationalization in Fundraising Management: A Contingency View of Fundraising Capability. 11th International NPO Research Colloquium, April 3-4, 2014, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
Betzler, D., & Gmür, M. (2013). Fundraising Effizienz: Methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Befunde. Internal Research Colloquium (auf Einladung von Professor Julia Brandl), 29. Januar, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
Betzler, D. (2012). Towards Fundraising Excellence in Museums - Linking Governance with Performance, International Conference of the International Society of Third Sector Research (ISTR), Siena, Italy.
Betzler, D. (2012). Mehr Fundraising-Erfolg an Museen. Die Beziehung zwischen Governance und Fundraising Performance. 10. Internationales NPO-Colloquium, 29.-30. März 2012, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Fribourg/Freiburg, Switzerland.
Specialist presentations
Betzler, D., & Haselbach, D. (2023). Unser Engagement und Wirken. Eine Bestandserhebung Soziokultureller Einrichtungen in Sachsen, “BeStändig im Wandel – Profilschärfung & Zukunftsgestaltung”, 6. Fachtag Soziokultur Sachsen 2023, 6-7 November, Leipzig.
Betzler, D. (2023). Wo bleibt das P6. ublikum?, Panelbeitrag 12. KulturLounge, Kulturregion Karlsruhe (online).
Betzler, D. (2022). Kulturevaluation und Wirkung – Un couple bizarre?, Evaluation wirkt? (Nicht-)Wirkung von Evaluationen in Kultur und Kulturpolitik, Session des AK Kultur und Kulturpolitik, DGEVAL-Tagung vom 14. bis 16. September 2022, Linz, Austria.
Betzler, D. (2019). Die Förderung des Kultursektors in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation. Arbeitskreis für Kultur des BDI Bundesverbandes der deutschen Wirtschaft, AKF-Plenumssitzung, 27 September 2019, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Gmür, M., & Betzler, D. (2014). Professionalisierung und Fundraising-Erfolg. ZEWO-Expertenrunde: Fundraising und Kommunikation, 14 Mai 2014, Universität Bern, Bern Switzerland.
Betzler, D. (2014). Theatre Quality Frame: Ein Prozess- und Performancemodell für Veranstaltungshäuser, Gastspielhäuser und Theater. Schweizer Theatertreffen, 28 Mai 2014, Theater Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Betzler, D. (2013). Kultur in der Region. Die Chance nutzen! Vortrag beim jährlichen Treffen der Kulturvereine im Zürcher Weinland am 13 September 2013 in Flaach, Wirtschaftsförderung Zürcher Weinland, Flaach, Switzerland.
Betzler, D, & Labaronne, L. (2012). Neuere Entwicklungen im Qualitätsmanagement in der Theaterpraxis. Tagung der AG der Verwaltungsdirektoren im Deutschen Bühnenverein 2012, Deutscher Bühnenverein - Bundesverband der Theater und Orchester, Mannheim, Germany.
Betzler, D. (2011). Kultur, Kommerz, Karriere. Arts Management im Profil. Vortrag am 26 October 2011, Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany.
Betzler, D. (2010). Wissen statt Bares - Empowerment durch Weiterbildungsgutscheine für Kulturengagierte. Tagung „Ohne Moos nix los“, Kulturkonferenz Amt für Kultur, Department des Innern, 17 April 2010, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Betzler, D. (2009). Kultur, Kommerz, Karriere. Arts Management im Profil. Vortrag am 02. Dezember 2009, Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany.
Betzler, D. (2009). Kultur in der Region als Chance. Vortrag beim jährlichen Treffen der Kulturvereine im Zürcher Weinland am 12. November 2009, Wirtschaftsförderung Zürcher Weinland, Andelfingen, Switzerland.
Betzler, D. (2008). Corporate Governance in Kulturinstitutionen – Ansätze für einen Code of Best Practice. Vortrag an der Tagung des Kulturmanagementforums (KMF) zum Thema Corporate Governance in der Kultur am 18. März 2008, Zürich, Switzerland.
Betzler, D. (2005). Stakeholderanalyse als wichtiges Fundraising Instrument. Master Class an der Herbsttagung des Schweizerischen Fundraising Verbandes, 18./19. November 2005, Bern, Switzerland.