Professionalization in Fundraising Management
Full Title
Professionalization in Fundraising Management. THe Impact of Organizational Fundraising Capability on a Charity's Net Revenue from Private Donations
This project has been part of my PhD at University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Foundation ZEWO
Fribourg University, VMI Verbandsmanagement-Insitute
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Does Professionalization in Fundraising Pay?
Although fundraising organizations in the third sector have gone through a progressive professionalization process, it remains unclear whether this development has led to any financial benefits. This Research project focuses on the question of whether or not it pays off for fundraising organizations to invest in professionalization. The data for this study come from 165 organizations representing 45 percent of the Swiss fundraising market. We first propose the term “organizational fundraising capability” as a new construct for measuring the degree of professionalization and rationalization in fundraising management. We then analyze its relationship to overall net revenue from donations as well as the growth of net revenue from donations. Our analysis indicates that, in addition to organizational size measured by total revenue, revenue share from donations, and expansion strategy, fundraising capability makes an important contribution to explaining both an institution's net revenue from fundraising and the level of increase in net donations.
Quantitative Statistical Data Analysis
Index Construction
Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis
Betzler, Diana, and Markus Gmür (2016). "Does Fundraising Professionalization pay? The Impact of Organizational Fundraising Capability on a Charity’s Net Revenue from Private Donations." Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 27(1), 27-42.
Betzler, Diana und Markus Gmür (2015). "Professionalisierung und Rationalisierung im Fundraising Management. Einflussfaktoren und ökonomische Effekte." In Ressourcenmobilisierung durch Nonprofit-Organisationen. Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Ergebnisse und Anwendungsbeispiele, herausgegeben von Andessner, René; Greiling, Dorothea; Gmür, Markus; und Ludwig Theuvsen, Linz: Trauner: 193-203.
Betzler, Diana (2012). "Fundraising-Reifegrad und Performance an Museen." In Performance Management in Nonprofit-Organisationen., herausgegeben von Gmür, Markus, Reinbert Schauer, und Ludwig Theuvsen. Zürich: Haupt, 292-302.
Betzler, Diana, and Markus Gmür (2014). "The Impact of Professionalization and Rationalization on Fundraising Performance", The 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Betzler, Diana, and Markus Gmür (2014). "The Impact of Professionalization and Rationalization on Fundraising Performance", International Conference of the Society of Third Sector Research (ISTR), July 22 -25, 2014, Muenster, Deutschland.
Betzler, Diana (2014). "Professionalism and Rationalization in Fundraising Management: A Contingency View of Fundraising Capability", 11th International NPO Research Colloquium, April 3-4, 2014, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Betzler, Diana, und Markus Gmür (2013). "Fundraising Effizienz: Methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Befunde", Internal Research Colloquium (auf Einladung von Professor Julia Brandl), 29. Januar, Universität Innsbruck.