Cultural Diversity and Regional Competence Centers
Full Title:
Cultural diversity and RegionaL Competence Centers. Evidence from the Swiss Central Region
Pro Helvetia, Swiss National Arts Foundation (funder)
KBKZ, Cantons of Central Switzerland, Lucerne (LU), Uri (UR), Schwyz (SZ), Obwalden (OW), Nidwalden (NW), and Zug (ZG)
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Studies, Center for Arts Management
The research project was funded by Pro Helvetia, the Swiss National Arts Foundation, as part of a program for the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Swiss regions, and by the cantons of Central Switzerland: Lucerne (LU), Uri (UR), Schwyz (SZ), Obwalden (OW), Nidwalden (NW), and Zug (ZG).
Project Duration
2016 to 2018
My Role
Project Leader, ZHAW
Do institutionalized regional competence centers enhance the diversity of cultural expressions?
“Cross-cantonal cultural competence centers” is a project of the cantons in Central Switzerland. It examines the effectiveness of cultural organizations serving as competence for a certain defined cultural field, as they have emerged in central Switzerland in recent years.
The project aim was, that the regional competence centers develop, network and sharpen their strategy to better protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions. Furthermore, the project should act as a model for other regions that are considering establishing cross-cantonal funding strategies or establishing competence centers. The final report offers a catalog of measures to facilitate the transfer of the project idea to other cultural areas and other regions in Switzerland, and worldwide.
The supported cultural institutions are: “Haus der Volksmusik” in Altdorf, the “Literaturhaus Zentralschweiz lit.z” in Stans, the “Kulturlandschaft Luzern” and the “expo Turbine” in Giswil. These organizations received support for the implementation of their own initiatives or Events to foster the “diversity of cultural expressions” in the period from 2016-2018.
Four evaluative, explorative case studies were carried out within which the structures, governance, and activities of the four mentioned cultural organizations and pilot projects from the fields of literature, folk music, events, and contemporary arts were evaluated. Evaluation criteria werde the degree of professional management and governance, networking and communication. In addition, the content of the resulting artistic-creative products was discussed. During evaluation, we permanently referred to the criteria laid down by the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
I scientifically supported these four organizations in the development, implementation and evaluation of their activities. The eveluations were ongoing in their nature and should advise the competence centers regarding professionalization of their management tasks, and the targeted promotion of cultural diversity.
Betzler, Diana (2018). "Kulturelle Vielfalt fördern. Am Beispiel der regionalen Kompetenzzentren Zentralschweiz. Evaluation Performancefestival Giswil und Projekt ‘Dorfpromenade‘" ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, im Auftrag der KBKZ Konferenz der Kulturbeauftragen der Zentralschweiz, confidential.
Betzler, Diana (2018). "Kulturelle Vielfalt fördern. Am Beispiel der regionalen Kompetenzzentren Zentralschweiz. Evaluation Haus der Volksmusik und Projekt ‚Quasi Geisser‘" ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, im Auftrag der KBKZ Konferenz der Kulturbeauftragen der Zentralschweiz, confidential.
Betzler, Diana (2018). "Kulturelle Vielfalt fördern. Am Beispiel der regionalen Kompetenzzentren Zentralschweiz. Evaluation lit.z Literaturhaus Zentralschweiz und Projekt ‚Dramatisches aus der Zentralschweiz‘" ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, im Auftrag der KBKZ Konferenz der Kulturbeauftragen der Zentralschweiz, confidential.
Betzler, Diana (2018). "Kulturelle Vielfalt fördern. Am Beispiel der regionalen Kompetenzzentren Zentralschweiz. Evaluation Verein Kulturlandschaft und Projekt‚ 10 Jahre Kulturlandschaft‘" ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, im Auftrag der KBKZ Konferenz der Kulturbeauftragen der Zentralschweiz, confidential.